Your body has an “innate” ability to be healthy, so long as the controlling mechanism, your nervous system, is free from interference. Subluxations are a major cause of interference to the function of your nervous system. We make specific adjustments to correct subluxations and allow your body to return to good health naturally, and without drugs.
You cannot put a price on health. However, obtaining and maintaining good physical health, should not ruin your financial health. It is for this reason that we make the care in our clinic affordable on almost any budget.
On June 11, 2024, the Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience journal published the results of a study that showed chiropractic care had a positive effect on brain function. The brain function was measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG). This study looked at the EEG readings of patients who were under chiropractic . . .
The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health published the results of a case study September 16, 2024, documenting the improvement of epileptic seizures and nystagmus in a child undergoing chiropractic care. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, "Nystagmus is a condition where the eyes . . .
A documented case study showed that a chiropractic patient was helped with chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, and chronic neck pain. The study was published in the fourth-quarter issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal. This study notes that someone can only be diagnosed with chronic fatigue . . .
The online publication ResearchGate published a research excerpt of a book in November 2024, reviewing research showing chiropractic helping athletic performance. The research article is inside a book with the title "Complementary Medicine from Ancient times to the Present." The research chapter dealing . . .