Your body has an “innate” ability to be healthy, so long as the controlling mechanism, your nervous system, is free from interference. Subluxations are a major cause of interference to the function of your nervous system. We make specific adjustments to correct subluxations and allow your body to return to good health naturally, and without drugs.
You cannot put a price on health. However, obtaining and maintaining good physical health, should not ruin your financial health. It is for this reason that we make the care in our clinic affordable on almost any budget.
The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published the results of a case study on January 16, 2024, documenting the improvement, under chiropractic care, of a patient with scoliosis who was suffering with upper back pain and sciatica. . . .
The Journal of Clinical Medicine published the results of a study on March 30, 2024, that showed chiropractic helping three patients who had health issues resulting from spondylolistheses. According to the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information, "Spondylolisthesis . . .
The second quarter 2024 issue of the Asian-Pacific Chiropractic Journal published the results of a case study documenting multiple improvements in the quality and daily function of a patient undergoing chiropractic care. The patient was initially searching for relief from her pain. However, after receiving . . .
A case study published by Cureus on January 3, 2024, and appearing on the National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information website documented the improvement of chronic widespread pain with chiropractic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers chronic . . .