September is Subluxation Awareness Month, Former GA Governor Signs Proclamation

Georgia’s former Governor, Nathan Deal, presented a proclamation proclaiming September 2011 to be Subluxation Awareness Month. (Click pn image for larger picture) The presentation took place at the Georgia Capitol on Thursday, September 15, 2011. As president of the Georgia Council of Chiropractic at that time, Dr. Bob was there for the Governor's presentation. Click here for press release.
The proclamation notes the health concerns of subluxations and declares September as a month of education and outreach, "I, Nathan Deal, Governor of the State of Georgia, do hereby proclaim September 2011, as Subluxation Awareness Month in Georgia." (Click on proclamation thumbnail to read full proclamation)
The month of September has been declared "Subluxation Awareness Month" and kicks off an ongoing year-round campaign of public education and outreach on subluxation. Several Chiropractic organizations have joined in, including the International Chiropractors Association, the Georgia Council of Chiropractic, and the Florida Chiropractic Society. September was chosen because the first chiropractic adjustment for subluxation was given on September 18, 1895, in Davenport Iowa.
Dr. Braile served as Past President of the Georgia Council of Chiropractic - 2010-2014
Dr. Braile has also served as president of the Brevard County Chiropractic Society, Vice President of the Florida Chiropractic Society, President of the Florida Academy of Chiropractic, and President and Chairman of the Board of the International Chiropractors Association.

Braile Family featured on cover of International Chiropractors Association's
Journal: the "ICA Review"
The International Chiropractors Association recently ran a story on my family's love of animals. The story appeared on the front page of the recent issue of the ICA Review. This edition also carried stories on animals and chiropractic. We keep several copies of this issue around the office. You are welcome to read them while you are here at our office. Please do not take them home.
The story starts with the following,
Doctors of chiropractic help the body heal with chiropractic adjustments. For Dr. Robert
(Bobby) Braile and his wife Evelyn, healing the soul of an animal abused, neglected and/or abandoned with plenty of love and care is just as important, and for them it has become a way of life.
On a ranch near Atlanta, Georgia, more than 100 animals have found a home where they have healed or are in the process of healing thanks to this extraordinary couple with hearts of gold. The Brailes’ have two teenage daughters, but the 100+ animals in the front yard, pasture, barns, around the ponds and inside the house are all part of their extended family.
If you would like to read the entire article online, please click on image to read the article in a pdf format.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Patient and Supporter of Chiropractic
Dr. Braile attended the International Chiropractors Association Symposium on Sports Health Fitness in Columbus Ohio. At this program Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a big advocate and long time patient of chiropractic, stressed the importance of chiropractic as a method of prevention.
This year marked the 18th year that the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) has held their "Symposium on Natural Fitness" in conjunction with the "Arnold Classic". For each of those 18 years, Arnold has attended the chiropractic event to speak to chiropractors and take pictures with every chiropractor in attendance. He also gives an address in which he speaks about the benefits of chiropractic and other relevant issues in health and fitness.
During his address, Governor Schwarzenegger enthusiastically showed his support for chiropractic by saying, "What I love about chiropractors, is that you say, OK, we can fix you up when you have an injury and we can help you when you're sick, we can help you with all kinds of different things. But what you are really saying is in your profession is, look, why don't you come to us before you get sick, before you have a problem with your back, before you have a problem with your shoulders or elbows." He continued, "Prevention, it's all about prevention."
As Governor Schwarzenegger continued his remarks, he noted that health care reform must contain prevention. He stated, "If you don't have prevention as a big-big part of the health care reform, you have nothing, you have absolutely nothing!" He continued by pointing out that incentives for healthy living and prevention must be included in health care reform, "This is why I say that prevention is the answer."
As Governor Schwarzenegger was summing up his comments, he once again linked the chiropractic profession to health and prevention when he said, "We know it (prevention) works. And we know that you (chiropractors) are in the right profession. Because you are really in a profession that saves people money, and it brings the health care costs down. This is what I love about your profession. You are the most incredible profession, you always help people."
After his speech to the Doctors of Chiropractic, Governor Schwarzenegger took the time to take pictures with the symposium attendees. The picture here is Dr. Braile and Arnold at this event. Click here or on image above to see video of Arnold's address to the Chiropractors.
A Book I Recommend for all Chiropractic Patients, and Those Considering Chiropractic
 I Stand Amazed, a book by Geri Carlson, is a compelling story of faith and enlightenment. Geri’s story speaks to the experience of all those who have a deep faith and ask “why” when confronted with life’s challenge. Our faith tells us that our prayers are answered, yet it is our trust in a limited understanding that prevents us from hearing the true answer to our prayers.
Geri’s story clearly shows that the principles of health are not devoid of faith. She brings the reader into her darkest hour and allows them to follow her sorrow and then her enlightenment and healing. If you have been suffering from ANY health issue, or if you just want to learn and experience real health, you need to read this book and feel this story. If you enter with an open mind, you will leave with a full heart.
Chiropractic works by removing interference from the amazing God given healing ability. Remove the idea of God, and there is no life and no healing. Chiropractic, as with all true healing, also happens to be scientifically sound. Science is not in conflict with faith. When it seems to be, question your science, not your faith. Click on image for link to Geri's website.